The hectic pace of life can sometimes feel like a bit much. We rush from appointment to appointment, meeting deadlines in a frantic rush and find ourselves navigating traffic, busy lines, and crowded spaces facing unforgiving deadlines and time... (Read More)
Let’s be honest. Water isn’t always the tastiest option. But what if you truly detest the taste of the original thirst-quencher?
If you struggle to drink as much water as the experts recommend, we’ve got some great ideas for how you can... (Read More)
Good health begins in the gut. If this seems a bit far-fetched to you, think about all that happens during digestion. From the moment food touches your lips (whether it be a Hostess cupcake or a baby carrot) a series of physiological responses... (Read More)
Fat was demonized for far too long. Remember the low-fat craze of the 90s? Somewhere along the way we were taught to believe that all fats are created equally, but that couldn't be further from the truth. The truth is that there are certain... (Read More)
Zinc, a trace mineral, has been in the news a lot recently. And it's for good reason. This nutrient, found in certain foods and in supplement form, may have a lot to offer in terms of health benefits. Here's a look at what the science says about... (Read More)
We’ve all been there. After a hard day, you may reach for a high-calorie salty or sweet snack because it can be a source of momentary comfort. Emotional eating, however, can cause you mental and physical discomfort if you don’t keep it at bay... (Read More)
You might have seen it gel or liquid form. Aloe vera is versatile and associated with 500 species of flowering succulent plants. Many of its types are native to North Africa and enjoy popularity around the world as a safe and cost-effective... (Read More)
"Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt." John Muir
The outdoors is the healing balm that many of us need when life becomes hectic and harried. Not only do the outdoors bring a certain amount of peace, but studies... (Read More)
For many people, taking care of themselves is near the bottom of an ever-expanding to-do list. We're too busy. Or we feel guilty about doing things just for ourselves. But there's nothing selfish about investing in your health and well-being. In... (Read More)