Imagine an empty clear jar. Before you sits a pile of sand and a pile of rocks. Both of them need to fit into the jar. What is the best way to approach this task? Do you start with the sand or the rocks? Interestingly, if you fill the jar with the... (Read More)
El diario ha existido durante siglos. De hecho, muchos de los textos antiguos que tenemos eran una versión del diario de alguien que tenía la disciplina y el deseo de registrar sus pensamientos y sentimientos, así como llevar un registro de... (Read More)
We all know of the redeeming qualities of fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy diet, but why can it feel so hard to sneak them in? Still, the health benefits are undisputed. Incorporating whole-food plant-based options is a great way to get... (Read More)
An obscure national holiday comes around every year in June. On June 22 to be exact and the same holiday is celebrated internationally on July 6. Can you guess what it is? It's the celebration of a kiss! While the act is simple, the benefits are... (Read More)
Words matter. We know this is true because we as a human race not only use language to communicate daily but we know how much it hurts when careless or unkind words are spoken. In fact, in a study conducted by researchers at Harvard Medical School... (Read More)
As human beings, we need love! We are social creatures who thrive on connection and relationships with others. In fact, in the classic tale of Winnie the Pooh, Piglet asks, "Pooh, how do you spell love?" Winnie the Pooh wisely answers, "You don't... (Read More)
We have all felt the powerful influence of music at some point in our lives. Whether it's a favorite song on the radio, attending a live concert or performance, or perhaps even creating music in some form, we can safely say that music carries an... (Read More)
Ralph Waldo Emerson is credited with saying, "Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain." There is truth to what Mr. Emerson has said, but if it's true why is it so hard to do those things that frighten us? Well, because facing our... (Read More)
We get it.
Life is busy and one thing that can feel easy to cut out during a time crunch is sleep. However, you may want to think again before robbing yourself of that much-needed beauty rest.
When you think about it, sleep is the body's... (Read More)