Change. It's something we can always count on. And, Mother Nature is no exception to this rule! If you live in a climate with four seasons you know exactly what that means. Even more temperate climates have seasonal changes and shifts. And, for the... (Read More)
Imagine an empty clear jar. Before you sits a pile of sand and a pile of rocks. Both of them need to fit into the jar. What is the best way to approach this task? Do you start with the sand or the rocks? Interestingly, if you fill the jar with the... (Read More)
Are you trying to keep your mind sharp as you grow older? We all are. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to help keep your brain healthy. Here are eight of them:
Stay connected. Many studies have shown that social connections... (Read More)
There are a lot of great things about being employed and living in a free society, but the stress that comes with work isn't exactly one of them.
Dealing with stress can be draining. Whether you're facing an important deadline at work, having... (Read More)
Words matter. We know this is true because we as a human race not only use language to communicate daily but we know how much it hurts when careless or unkind words are spoken. In fact, in a study conducted by researchers at Harvard Medical School... (Read More)
Houseplants are becoming all the rage! And, there is a good reason for it, too. Not only are they aesthetically pleasing and provide an amazing ambiance for your space, but they are also full of health benefits! Studies on the benefits of... (Read More)
Once upon a time, you could bend down without hearing your knees pop. Or play tennis without spending the rest of your day with your elbow stuck as if you're doing The Robot dance. Or go for a walk without your knees feeling less like joints and... (Read More)
Eating. It's essential to our survival and yet it's also social. And enjoyable. So, sometimes we tend to fall into the trap of eating when it's not entirely necessary. Perhaps we're at a social engagement and we feel that it's expected or polite... (Read More)
An obscure national holiday comes around every year in June. On June 22 to be exact and the same holiday is celebrated internationally on July 6. Can you guess what it is? It's the celebration of a kiss! While the act is simple, the benefits are... (Read More)