Houseplants are becoming all the rage! And, there is a good reason for it, too. Not only are they aesthetically pleasing and provide an amazing ambiance for your space, but they are also full of health benefits! Studies on the benefits of... (Read More)
Once upon a time, you could bend down without hearing your knees pop. Or play tennis without spending the rest of your day with your elbow stuck as if you're doing The Robot dance. Or go for a walk without your knees feeling less like joints and... (Read More)
Eating. It's essential to our survival and yet it's also social. And enjoyable. So, sometimes we tend to fall into the trap of eating when it's not entirely necessary. Perhaps we're at a social engagement and we feel that it's expected or polite... (Read More)
An obscure national holiday comes around every year in June. On June 22 to be exact and the same holiday is celebrated internationally on July 6. Can you guess what it is? It's the celebration of a kiss! While the act is simple, the benefits are... (Read More)
It's summer! While a parent's schedule may not look very different during these warmer months, it's the time of carefree exploration, sunshine and wonder for most school-aged kids. However, it can also quickly become a time of boredom and too many... (Read More)
We get it. Screens have become an integral part of how our society functions. From computers, where much of our work and administrative duties are handled to powerful cell phones that can perform a multitude of helpful tasks. We can read emails... (Read More)
Journaling has been around for ages. In fact, many of the ancient texts we have were a version of someone's journal who had the discipline and desire to record their thoughts and feelings as well as to keep a record of current events, family culture... (Read More)
As human beings, we need love! We are social creatures who thrive on connection and relationships with others. In fact, in the classic tale of Winnie the Pooh, Piglet asks, "Pooh, how do you spell love?" Winnie the Pooh wisely answers, "You don't... (Read More)
Have you ever experienced the elated feeling of finishing a workout? There’s nothing like a jog in the open fresh air or a great spin class to get those happy feelings flowing. Thoughts often become more clear and problems that have been plaguing... (Read More)